School To Work | Career & Technical Education Profile: Central Texas & Texas

School To Work | Career & Technical Education Profile data for
Central Texas & Texas.


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School To Work | Career & Technical Education Profile

Career and Technical Education courses offer students the opportunity to gain both challenging academic experience and relevant technical skills that are necessary for postsecondary and career readiness. Examining this data can help identify trends and improve equitable participation and cluster completion.

Jump to: Source and cohort information about this data.

Number of Students that complete a coherent sequence of courses

The graph below shows the number of students who completed an identified CTE cluster. In Texas, Business, Marketing and Finance has the highest completion, while in Central Texas, Health Science was the most popular cluster.

Cluster Participation in Central Texas and Texas

Although Health Science had the highest number of coherent sequence completions in the Central Texas graduating cohort, the number of students electing to participate in Arts, A/V Tech and Communication as well as Business, Marketing and Finance courses was much higher.

CTE Engagement varies vastly by District Type

Note that Non-CTE does note necessarily indicate non-participation, but rather just a lower number of total course semesters completed.

Coherent Sequence Completion Rate Continues to climb

As the HS Graduation plans have completely shifted to Foundation School Programs plus Endorsements, both Texas and Central Texas have seen a consistent increase over the last 8 years in Coherent Sequence completion.

Zoom Y-Scale

A disparity still exists in CTE Engagement by Income

When looking at CTE Engagement by Income Status in Central Texas, we continue to see that students from Low-Income households have a much higher level of Non-CTE engagement and less than 30% are Occupational Concentrators, completing at least 5 semesters in a single cluster. This is in stark contrast to students that are from Non-Low-Income households.

CTE Engagement by Race still holds disparities

Although there is still somewhat equitable distribution of CTE Engagement across racial groups, there is a slight disparity in Occupational Concentrators (lower representation) and Non-CTE (higher representation) for Black and Hispanic students as compared to White students. With the wide array of CTE Clusters and pathways within, a deeper look at the CTE Engagement by Race will be needed within each Cluster.

In Central Texas, Gender representation in the Class of 2020 is consistent

Across the graduating cohort of 2020, the CTE Engagement does appear equitable when Gender is considered. Given the wide array of CTE Clusters and pathways within, each Cluster will need a deeper dive in considering Gender engagement.


Percent of High School Graduates with an Occupational Concentration, Class of 2022

About this data:

E3 Alliance relies primarily on data from the University of Texas Education Research Center (ERC). This data allows for a longitudinal understanding of CTE engagement and completion, based on where and when a student graduates from high school. This data pertains to graduates from within the state of Texas who participated in Career and Technical Education courses while in high school.

Following are items to note:

The data represents the year the students graduated from high school. There is a o lapse and delay in the data due to the state's release of the data and time needed to analyze the data. Therefor, the graphs below present CTE Participation and completion from the 2020 graduating class of students.

The TEA defines a coherent sequence of four or more courses that consists of at least two courses in the same career cluster. To help analyze the data, the E3 Alliance defines CTE engagement as:

• Non-CTE: Student completed 0-2 semesters in CTE
• CTE Explorer: Student completed 3-4 semesters in CTE
• CTE Concentrator: Student completed >=5 semesters in CTE, but <5 semesters in any given cluster
• Occupational Concentrator: Student completed >=5 semesters in a single cluster
• Completing a coherent sequence of CTE courses is a key aspect of completing an Endorsement for HS Graduation in Texas.

Note that Non-CTE does note necessarily indicate non-participation, but rather just a lower number of total course semesters completed.

Cohort: First-time 9th grade students who graduate within four years, including students who transfer in

Outcomes that reference data from 2021, 2022, or 2023 do not include San Marcos CISD, due to a data discrepancy.

The conclusions of this research do not necessarily reflect the opinions or official position of the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, or the State of Texas.