Dropouts Profile: Texas & Houston

Dropouts Profile data for
Texas & Houston.


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Dropouts Profile

There are two measures used to track student movement out of schools—dropout and attrition rates. Both measures use longitudinal data, or data monitoring a cohort of students over time. Both measures allow us to monitor students who do not graduate and students who leave the Texas public school system for any reason.

Jump to: Source and cohort information about this data.


25,101 / 403,108


Dropout Rate


6,655 / 100,239


Dropout Rate

Texas Dropout Rates Decreasing Over Last Ten Years

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Disparities Exist in Dropouts by Household Income

Disparities in Dropouts by Household Income Have Been Reduced but Progress is Stalling

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Dropouts Vary by Race

Disparities in Dropouts by Race Have Been Reduced but Progress is Stalling

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Digging Deeper: Income, Gender, and Race Play a Role in Dropout Rates

Dropout Rate, 2022

About this data:

E3 Alliance relies primarily on data from the University of Texas Education Research Center (ERC). This data allows for a longitudinal understanding of dropouts and attrition based on where and when a student attends high school. This data pertains to high school students who were enrolled within the state of Texas for any grades 9-12, excluding students who left the Texas public education system for reasons other than dropping out.

Following are items to note:

The year of the data represents the year of high school graduation. A student is defined as having dropped out if the student did not return to public school in the fall following the expected graduation date, was not expelled, and did not: graduate, receive a GED, enroll in higher education, or die. There is a delay in data availability due to state approval within the ERC and analysis time. As such, if you choose to explore data from Central Texas, the graphs below present dropout data in the most recent available year in Texas schools.

Outcomes that reference data from 2021, 2022, or 2023 do not include San Marcos CISD, due to a data discrepancy.

The conclusions of this research do not necessarily reflect the opinions or official position of the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, or the State of Texas.